Friday, January 24, 2014

New Beatdom on sale + Website updates!!

This is a bit delayed, hence lumping two announcements into one post. I've been in the lab working on stuff all month and time just got away from me...
First up is the exciting news that I have completed my third cover for the venerable Beatdom Magazine, depicting Burroughs, Kerouack and Ginsberg walking out of a multiplex. The theme this issue is 'Movies', and in addition to the cover, I also contributed art to the Michael Hendrick Story 'At The Movies', which deals with the author's discovery of old horror films as a teenager. Anyone who knows me knows that this is a topic I know lots about! And of course, as always, they've let me do whatever I want with the back page of the magazine. It's only $10.00, and features amazing writing by a number of contributers. You can buy copies

In other news, I have also been slowly but surely working on some updates to the website that I'm really excited about.
Underneath each film link, you will now find biographical information on each film, including lists of festivals played, production photographs, storyboards, and written descriptions of some of the work that went into making each film.
I have also added some fresh video content to the films pages, which include deleted scenes and storyboard comparisons. I'll also be adding complete credit lists with links so we can keep up to date on the talented people who helped me get these films done!


  1. Wow, these are cool updates! And it looks like I just landed here in time. I really want to check these out. It's a great way to package and persuade a new coterie of viewers to view this site and all of its contents.

    Masako @ Champion Online Marketing
