Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Ride Production Journal #7

Great news over here! 'The Ride' has been cast. We spent Saturday the 31st doing a very intense casting session at the very reasonable Space Station in Hollywood, and found perfect matches for both 'Al' and 'Greg'!

In the role of Al, we have cast Armen Babasoloukian, who blew us away with a cold reading that completely nailed the mixture of comedy, horror and theatrics I had in mind for the character.

In the role of Greg, we have cast Clinton Roper Elledge. His reading was particularly tough, as Greg needs to convey anxiety and fear in a subtle, deadpan manner. Luckily for us, Clinton is a master of this, and did a fantastic job of using his eyes to convey everything he's trying so desperately to hide from Al.

Both actors have the luxury of getting their heads cast this week by our talented FX Man Adrian Marcato, and before that we'll be getting together for an entire reading of the script that I'm really excited about. This is truly the best part about pre-production; it's the moment, at least for me, when I can really start to see how the film is going to play out, as many decisions will be made around the actor's performances.

There is one more role I haven't mentioned yet, but is equally as important; that of Gail, Greg's boss. Although her role is brief, she plays an important part in the story, being an ominous presence that is the main catalyst in a lot of ways.
I have no fear in admitting she's based on the first 'bad' boss I ever had. Stories of this woman where legendary; making grown men cry, scaring away customers, and eventually pushing me into one of my first instances of quitting a job via walking out the door.

I already worked her into 'Help Wanted', but her scene got cut. In 'The Ride', the character of Gail is much more intertwined with the narrative, so in she will stay.

Bringing Gail to life will be Norma Burgess, whose read through demonstrated the creeping menace I have in mind for the part. Put her in thick glasses and a black turtle neck, and voila! Gail lives again.


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