Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Ride Production Journal #9

Well, bad news on this front. We've had to delay the shoot.

It started out when we discovered last Sunday that Brad, our first A.D, was going to have to move out of his apartment by the end of the month, which essentially makes him unavailable to us during not just the shoot, but also our pre-production period.

But the real nail in the coffin was combination of weather and work commitments. With the weather reports predicting rain for March, and me being in a situation where I can't afford to take time off for the shoot twice (I'd need to cancel before this week to get back on the schedule), I made a snap decision to post pone the shoot.

However, we can't shoot in April because my job has that month listed as a 'black out' period due to inventory: nobody can get time off. As three of my crew all come from the same job, this would be an impossibility. Then, it turned out that May was also out, as I couldn't get anybody's schedules to synch up.

So with a heavy heart I moved to shoot to the first two weekends of June. Of course, no sooner had I done this than the weather reports changed to say that March will be clear and sunny.

However, aside from the long delay, it's not all bad.

First, we'll have more hours of daylight to play with, and with a short that's actually a bit of a logistical nightmare, that's a good thing. As well, many crew have chimed in that June works better for them; for instance, Mike, who's in charge of dressing Al's Van, was originally going to be unavailable to us during the second weekend of the shoot, but now we'll have him on hand the whole time. And Adrian, who has been working diligently on the effects, could definitely use more time to get everything ready. As it was, we weren't going to be able to have an FX test ready until the week before the shoot, leaving almost no time to make adjustments. And even that may not have happened; he's been locked into a very intense two week schedule, on top of his day job and other FX commitments.

So some good, some bad. Aside from the inevitable slump in momentum, I think this will otherwise help the film be even better; as Hunter S. Thompson said "Anything worth doing is worth doing right".

Until then,


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