Thursday, March 8, 2012

At The Albany Film Festival Pics

On March 3rd, my girlfriend Amy and I drove up to my hometown of Albany, CA, for the 2nd annual Albany Film Festival, who had invited me to screen Help Wanted and do a Q&A. I had a great time, and have been wanting to post about it for a month now (!), but here are a few highlights:

The festival was held at the Albany Community Center, which houses the Albany Library. One of my warmest childhood memories involves hanging out in this library, and discovering a copy of the infamous book RE/SEARCH FREAKS. Renting it out, I took it to school and spent the rest of the week showing my class mates what elephantiasis of the scrotum looks like.

The festival was supremely well organized, and professionally run - crystal clear projection, an outstanding sound system, and even a television in the lobby that simultaneously ran the films that were screening in the theater! How cool is that?

One of the films (A Creation Story) was made by Colin Johnson, whose house I had spent a very happy, drunken election night at in 2008, although at the time, I didn't know it was his house!

Two of the best comments I've ever had following a screening took place:

First, a fellow walked up to my swag booth, and said that he hadn't seen a film like 'Help Wanted' since 'Night Of The Living Dead'. This being one of my favorite films, I just about died. That he also bought a T-shirt didn't hurt either.

Another fellow came along, and put his name on my e-mail list.
After thanking him for watching my film, he shook his head.
"I couldn't finish your film. I had to walk out. It was just too much for me."
I grew up watching John Waters films. I have always wanted to have someone say this to me.

Lastly, I was really touched at the turnout. A number of semi-familiar faces revealed themselves to be the parents of old school friends, many of whom I hadn't seen in at least a decade!

Below are the pictures Amy and I managed to get between all the excitement. For more pictures of the festival, please visit

Special thanks to festival programmer Naomi Lucks, the groovy tech crew, the Rudiak-Gould family, and a great, enthusiastic audience!


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