Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Ride Production Journal #13

I've been trying to get a production journal cranked out all month, but have kept running out of time or energy; needless to say, all of us have been pushing hard throughout the month to get us ready for the shoot, which at this point happens in just six days!

With that said, I would really like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to this project; it means a lot to me that anyone felt strongly enough about both me any my film to put hard earned cash towards it's production. I can't begin to express the enormous amount of gratitude I feel towards all of you, and the best thing I can do to repay it is to work hard at making this the best short film it can be - to hopefully surprise both you and myself with it.

Needless to say, I won't be able to get another production journal in until after we wrap on the 14th, at which point I hope to have a lot of production photo's to share, plus what I'm sure will be a number of the kind of amusing tales intrinsic with location shooting. In the meantime, below are a bunch of pics from the last month, comprising our final costume, camera and FX tests; enjoy, and I look forward to updating you all next month!

Your pal,
Mr. Waylon

Clinton Elledge as 'Greg'

'Something Fishy' T-Shirt compliments of the fantastic 'Gorilla Printing' in Pasadena

Norma Burgess as 'Gail'

Our fake braces - made with REAL brackets!

Armen's nearly successful make up test (we're refining it for the film)

"would you like some essspressssoooo?"

Men with beards work on the final camera mount tests

An idea of how Al's van will look when decorated; flour on the exterior to give it a weathered look, and a lot of weird paraphernalia, compliments of art director Mike Winningham.

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